Using body heat instead of batteries to power various devices is
no longer a dream. German scientists developed a circuit that can be
used to produce electricity from body heat.
A new way of generating electricity from body heat was discovered by
researchers at the Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS in
Germany together with scientists at the Fraunhofer Institute for
Physical Measurement Techniques (IPM) and the Fraunhofer Institute for
Manufacturing Engineering and Applied Materials Research IFAM.
Their method is based on the principle of thermoelectric generators
(TEG)produced from semiconductor elements. The temperature difference
between hot and cold environment contributes to generation of
electricity with the help of TEGs.
Usually, the difference of several tens of degrees is necessary to
generate electricity. But when comparing body temperature and
environment temperature, the difference is just a few degrees which is
enough to generate only low voltages. In order to produce electricity
for electronic devices one or two volts are necessary, while TEG extract
about 200 millivolts.
The scientists developed
a completely new way of generating electricity, creating circuits that
work on 200 millivolts. This discovery led to creation of electronic
system that produces energy from body heat. Researchers are making
further improvements for various applications.